Springtime DC Invitational Golf Tournament

The rich tradition of networking and camaraderie associated with the first and most treasured golf tournament in the industry is alive and flourishing!  Join us for this exceptional  tournament at the pristine Old Hickory Golf Club in Woodbridge, VA.  Golfers of all skill levels are invited to participate in this full day of networking, friendship and fun by becoming a sponsor, donating a prize, golfing, or all of the above!

In 2003, after many years of supporting the tournament as “Title Sponsor”, The Center for Association Leadreship purchased the Springtime DC Invitational and relocated the tournament to Old Hickory.  Prior to that year it was held at a number of venues in the Metropolitan Washington area, most notably the Turf Valley Resort & Conference Center.  The co-founders of the tournament were Gus Duda, Chairman of The Duda Group, an independent events-management firm in Alexandria, Virginia and Jim Carter, then with the Los Angeles CVB.

Funds from the event have been channeled to hospitality industry education foundations, and to date donations total more than $125, 000.

So come join us and your fellow colleagues for this time-honored and exciting event!

To sign-up to play in the Tournament, become a sponsor, or to donate a raffle or silent auction prize, please download a registration form here.

Information on the on May 26, 2006 golf tournament may be obtained by contacting: 

Mike Skiados
ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership
1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20004